Interesting perspective. The post-9/11 period coincided with my political awakening (being in high school and college), so I remember it all so vividly. I was staunchly opposed to the Iraq War from the start, and considered all who opposed it to my be allies, which is why I still see both the center-left and libertarians as good guys despite them actually being at odds with each other for the past decade. I was angry at people trying to silence opposition to the new paranoia, which probably explains why I'm a free speech advocate today. I was angry at the cancellation of the Dixie Chicks, which perhaps explains why I hate cancel culture so much now, even if it comes from the opposite side of the political spectrum. And I thought 'freedom fries' was seriously ridiculous, which is probably why I'm so uncomfortable with a lot of the new politically correct language today. Furthermore, the fact that majority of people today consider the Iraq War to be a mistake (as well as support gay marriage, my two big 'radical' causes back then) has thoroughly convinced me that free speech, free debate, and a little patience will always lead to the side of justice winning.
Thinking back, it's interesting to see how the post-9/11 period (Bush 43's first term) was so instrumental in shaping my fundamental political views. And even in the Trump era, which frankly hasn't influenced my politics as much because I'm well past my formative years, I still largely see things through a post-9/11 era prism. Seeing your detatched account of those years has given me an appreciation of why many of today's younger adults may not connect with a politics like my own.