From what I see, class-first leftism appears to be growing rapidly and identity leftism appears to be increasingly sidelined. As a result, the left is becoming less and less interested in cultural equality. But that's just to be expected, given the incoherence of the 'intersectionalists'. Marxist thinking really can't deal with cultural issues, unless you add some postmodern or postmodern-adjacent stuff, which makes it much less logically sound.
Class-first leftists (i.e. orthodox Marxists) and identity leftists (i.e. critical theory neo-Marxists) are two sides of the same problematic Marxian coin. The problem with Marxian thinking is that it relies on dividing people into oppressors and oppressed, and prescribes some form of conflict or 'class struggle' as the solution. This is why it's poorly equipped to deal with cultural issues, which class-first leftists just ignore, and identity leftists provide a solution that is worse than the problem itself.
The answer to all this is a return to classical liberalism, the original progressive ideal, especially where culture is concerned. Racial equality, gender equality and LGBT rights all came from liberalism, not Marxian thinking, and it's time we acknowledged this.