PinnedPublished inThe Progressive Conservative ViewThe Progressive Conservative ManifestoAn alternative model for social progressMar 134Mar 134
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Published inTaraElla: A Positive VisionWhy Commitment to the Objective Truth is ImportantIt is the only way to make sound decisions, and build good order6d ago16d ago1
Published inTrans RealistI’m Trans. I Don’t Support Trans Women in Women’s Sports.We need to support reasonable allies like Gavin Newsom and Seth Moulton speaking upMar 1127Mar 1127
Published inTrans RealistWe Must Face Up to the Real Face of Anti-Trans IdeologyTrump’s extreme position is a watershed moment. Something needs to change.Mar 64Mar 64
Published inThe Libertarian Reformist ViewLet’s Go Back to 2000s Mainstream LibertarianismThe libertarian movement of my youth certainly didn’t align with Bush-43 and the RightMar 51Mar 51